- SOS Children’s Village Family Services, Goražde
- Daycare and the Family Strengthening Program help a single mother raise her son.
- Program za jačanje porodice, SOS Dječije selo, Goražde
- Vrtić i Program za jačanje porodice pomažu samohranoj majci da odgoji svog sina.
At work, Admira Buljic spends her day precisely filling gun shells with dynamite. It’s incredibly dangerous work. She must stay so focused on what she’s doing at every moment that she can’t let her mind wander even for a second. When her father passed away, Admira found it difficult to maintain that perfect focus, but she forced herself. She knew that just one small mistake could handicap her for life.
Even with the protection she wears, Admira’s hands aren’t covered. Her hands need to be free to manually fill the shells.
“My hands are as black as the gunpowder,” she said.
Admira has seen explosions occur at work, but she deeply believes both in her ability to do her job safely and in her own destiny. “I watch young guys who party all night and then come to work; that’s dangerous. You absolutely have to take this seriously.”
“I have to do this. I have a four-year-old child and no other income.”
For Admira, the dangerous job brings her the money she needs to survive, together with health care coverage, and a little vacation time she can spend with her child. There aren’t many job opportunities for her in the small town of Goražde.
Admira is separated from her husband, who lives in the same town but never comes to see the family and provides no child support.
“When we see him on the street, he turns his head.”
Even though Admira is employed, she doesn’t earn enough to move from the barrack where she lives with her son. The barrack is damp and Admira thinks that’s why her son Arman is often sick.
One bright spot is that Arman attends the SOS Children’s Village Daycare, where children play, learn English, rhythm, dance, music, and the use of a computer.
“Going to preschool is particularly important to children who are coming from socially vulnerable families,” says Adisa Adzem, caseworker at the SOS Children’s Village. “And they come here free of charge.”
The best part of the program is that it’s not short term; it’s there for as long as the family needs it. It also involves all the family members who wish to participate. Funded by a grant from the Sanela Diana Jenkins Foundation for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the SOS Children’s Village enables Arman to attend daycare and it allowed his mother to join the “Family Strengthening Program.”
“As a single mom, this was very interesting to me. I worked with a female psychologist who gave me advice on how to raise my child. And Arman received some clothes.”
The Family Strengthening Program has allowed many families, otherwise at risk of losing their children, to continue to raise them in their homes. And it has helped parents strengthen their own child-rearing skills, giving them the capability to take care of their children.
“After all of my problems, the parenting program was a huge relief.”
Article and photos by photojournalist Dijana Muminović
Admira Buljić je žena čiji je posao da puni metke barutom. Njen posao je izuzetno opasan. U svakom trenutku Admira mora biti koncentrirana na ono što radi i misli joj ni na trenutak ne smiju odlutati. Nakon smrti oca, Admiri je bilo teško da postigne tu koncentraciju, ali se na to. Znala je da samo je jedna mala greška može preskupo koštati.
Iako nosi ostalu zaštitnu opremu, Admirine ruke su nezaštićene. One moraju stalno biti slobodne jer se meci pune ručno.
“Ruke su mi crne kao barut,” kaže ona.
Admira je bila svjedok eksplozijama koje su se dešavale na poslu, ali ona duboko vjeruje da je sposobna pažljivo obavljati svoj posao i vjeruje u sudbinu. “Gledam mlade momke koji dolaze na posao nakon cjelonoćnog provoda. To je opasno. Ovaj posao se mora shvatiti s apsolutnom ozbiljnošću.”
“Moram ovo da radim. Imam četverogodišnjeg sina i nemam drugih prihoda.”
Opasan posao kojim se bavi osigurava Admiri novac koji joj je potreban da preživi, da ima zdravstvenu zaštitu i nešto slobodnog vremena koje može provoditi sa svojim sinom. U malom gradu kakav je Goražde, za nju nema puno prilika za posao.
Admira se razvela od supruga, koji živi u istom gradu ali nikada ne dolazi u posjetu niti plaća alimentaciju.
“Kada ga sretnem na ulici on okrene glavu.”
Iako je Admira zaposlena, ne zarađuje dovoljno da bi se preselila iz trošnog stana u kojem živi sa svojim sinom. U stanu ima vlage i Admira misli da je njen sin zbog toga često bolestan.
Jedna od pozitivnih stvari je ta što Arman ide u vrtić SOS Dječijeg sela gdje se djeca mogu igrati, učiti engleski jezik, ritmiku, ples, muziku i koristiti računare.
“Pohađanje predškolskog obrazovanja je jako važno za djecu koja dolaze iz ugroženih porodica,” kaže Adisa Adžem, socijalni radnik u SOS Dječijem selu. “Njihov boravak ovdje je besplatan.”
Najbolje je to što ovaj Program nije kratkoročan, odnosno postojaće sve dok postoje porodice kojima je potreban. U Program se mogu uključiti i članovi porodice koji to žele. Pomoću sredstava koja je osigurala Fondacija Sanela Diana Jenkins za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, SOS Dječije selo je omogućilo Armanu da boravi u vrtiću i njegovoj majci da se priključi Programu za jačanje porodice.
“Za mene kao samohranu majku ovo je jako zanimljivo. Radila sam sa ženskim psihologom koja me je savjetovala o tome kako da odgajam svoje dijete. A i Arman je dobio nešto odjeće.”
Program za jačanje porodice je omogućio mnogim porodicama, koje bi u suprotnom bile suočene sa mogućnošću da im djeca budu oduzeta, da nastave da ih odgajaju u svojim domovima. Putem Programa je pružena pomoć i roditeljima u pogledu jačanja njihovih vještina za odgoj djece i sposobnosti da se o njima brinu.
“Nakon svih mojih problema, Program za jačanje porodice mi je donio veliko olakšanje.”
Autor članaka i fotografija: Dijana Muminović