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Gold Starfish Pen | Broš u obliku zlatne morske zvijezde

Each One Matters

Mother's Portrait | Fotografija majke

Insulin Pumps

Hospital Room with Winnie the Pooh | Bolnička soba sa likom Winnie the Pooh

Portable Heart Monitors

“After the war, the social support systems in Bosnia broke down. People were forced to choose between food and medicine. I had to help. For years, the SDJ Foundation has been quietly improving lives, one person at a time. Each one matters.”
— Sanela Diana Jenkins
Family Group | Fotografija porodice


Surgeons at Work | Hirurzi na radu


Kids Sleeping on Cots at a Daycare Center | Usnula djeca na krevetićima u vrtiću


Sanela Diana Jenkins

Sanela Diana Jenkins

Arm with Blood Tube Inserted | Ruka na koju je pričvršćena cjevčica kroz koju teče krv


The Blue Flower Center Building | Zgrada Centra Plavi cvijet

Blue Flower Center

Arman Buljic and his mother Admira | Arman Buljić sa majkom Admirom

Family Services

Nejla Medic and Her Puppy


Edna-Ena Drkenda has remarkable talent with computers | Edna-Ena Drkenda ima izuzetan talent s računalima


Hospital Technician Šerif Mehić | Bolnica tehničar Šerif Mehić


Portrait of Imran Seta, a six-year-old boy who underwent an endoscopic procedure for a urinary tract infection. | Fotografija Imrana Šete, šestogodišnjeg dječaka koji je bio podvrgnut endoskopskom zahvatu zbog infekcije urinarnog trakta.


Nurse Laila Olgic at Hospital Dr. Safet Mujić  | Medicinska sestra Laila Olgic u Bolnici Dr. Safet Mujić


Dr. Paulina Miletić-Simić meets in her examination room with a mother and daughter  | Dr. Paulina Miletić-Simić se susreće sa majkom i kćerkom u svojoj ordinaciji.


Thousands of starfish had washed ashore. Walking along the beach, an old man saw a young girl bending down and picking up one starfish after another, gently throwing each into the deeper water.

“Why are you doing that?” he asked the girl.

“They’ll die if I don’t,” she answered.

“But there are so many of them!” the old man said. “Even if you worked all day, you won’t make any difference at all.”

The young girl stooped and picked up another starfish.

“I’m making a difference to this one,” she said, tossing it back into the sea.